
List Report lists all issues selected for the report with details about the selected SLA Metric for each issue. The output is similar to the page shown below.

(Click on the image to see larger version)


View Format lists available view formats that can be used to display Goal, Elapsed and Remaining Time columns.

  • You can choose to display values in seconds, minutes, hours, days or more human readable formats.
  • The selection made here will also affect how the values are exported to Excel.


You can select from the list of fields in the system and add them to your report as columns. You can also select the order of the added columns.

Report Output

Report output will display a list of issues with the following columns. According to the lifecycle of the issue, not all columns might have values.

  • Issuekey

  • Summary
  • <Fields selected by the user>
  • SLA Status
  • SLA Result
  • Calendar Name
  • Goal Time
  • Elapsed Time
  • Remaining Time
  • SLA Start Time
  • SLA Stop Time

Notice that the screenshot below includes "Issue Type" and "Component/s" fields selected by the user.

(Click on the image to see larger version)

Excel Export

If you want to download the report, simply press the Download button. The report will be downloaded after a while as an .xls file.

Excel export is available for List reports at the moment. Export for Success Ratio reports will be introduced in future releases. Contact OBSS support for more information.

REST Reporting

It is possible to access report data via REST call to a JIRA endpoint introduced by Service Desk Reporter.

REST reporting is available for List reports at the moment. REST endpoint for Success Ratio reports will be introduced in future releases. Contact OBSS support for more information.

Rest Call Format

The rest call should be made in the following format:



TokenDescriptionValue Sample
base_urlThe baseURL of your JIRA instance.

The date field type that startDate and endDate parameters will be based on. Possible options are:

  • created
  • updated
  • resolved
  • metricStop
start_dateThe start date of report interval in "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm" format2017-07-01 00:00
end_dateThe end date of report interval in "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm" format2017-08-31 23:59

The ID of the selected JIRA JQL filter.

Most likely a 5 digit number greater than 10000


The ID of the custom field that holds the SLA information

Value format must be like "customfield_xxxxx" format where xxxxx is the custom field ID.

Most likely a 5 digit number greater than 10000


The format of goal, elapsed, remaining time fields. Possible options are:

  • humanReadableFormat
  • ddhhmmssFormat
  • hhmmssFormat
  • daysFormat
  • hoursFormat
  • minutesFormat
  • secondsFormat

The IDs of fields (separated by commas) on JIRA Issue that will be added to report output as columns.

Both system and custom fields are supported.

See Field Names for REST Reports for a list of system fields and their names you can use.




The REST call returns a CSV file that contains all the data in the report.

  • No labels