Selecting Issues

In order to select the issues that will be included in the report, you need to select an SLA Metric, a predefined JQL Filter and a date interval.

SLA Metric

SLA Metric lists the available SLA metrics on the system.

  • Next to each SLA metric in the list you will see the keys of JIRA projects that metric is used in. If a metric is used in more than one JIRA project, that metric name will have multiple project keys.
  • Unlike JIRA, you can select a metric that is used in more than one project and get a report that takes SLA data from multiple projects

JQL Filter

JQL Filter lists the saved JQL filters that the user can access.

  • Select the filter to be used for filtering issues for the report

Date Interval

Date selection window lets you select the beginning and end dates for the report.  

  • You can filter by Created, Updated, Resolved Date of issues and also by SLA Stop Date which is the date that the selected SLA Timer has ended for the issue.

Report Types

Once SLA metric, filter and date interval is selected, there are two types of reports Service Desk Reporter offers:

Performance Notes

For preparing reports, Service Desk Reporter uses the saved JQL filter you select to filter the issues and goes through all issues to calculate the report data.

To improve performance on screen display for List Reports, only issues shown on screen are subject to processing. For Excel reports, REST reports and Success Ratio Reports, all issues need to be processed so the processing time is longer.

List Reports with date interval based on SLA Stop Date

There is a special case for SLA Stop Date reports.

JIRA does not allow filtering issues by SLA Stop Date via JQL so Service Desk Reporter does some clever processing to find desired issues. This clever process includes going through (is some cases almost) each issue individually and checking whether it should be included in the report or not. Going over each issue obviously has a higher processing cost on JIRA server, compared to created/updated/resolved date reports. The cost becomes prominent for large datasets (with thousands of issues). Calculation algorithm includes several optimizations to minimize this cost but there are things you can do to get faster results.

The cost is high if your saved filter includes lots of issues that will be excluded from the report (that have stop dates outside the selected date interval) so try to define a filter that will pre-exlude all irrelevant issues. (Ex: Try to filter out issues or issuetypes that do not have the SLA metric you selected defined for them. Try not to use your "All issues" filter (smile)  if you can)

If your saved filter includes lots of issues that will be excluded based on their SLA Stop Dates, the very last page of the report displayed on screen might take significanlty more to process, so be patient.


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