- Created by Emre Toptancı, last modified by Umut Önder on 21.01.2025
GET /rest/aggregation
POST /rest/aggregation
Returns an aggregated report (sum, average, median, stddev) as text (CSV or JSON).
GET and POST methods provide the exact same functionality but POST method allows a much larger request size.
If your query parameters are too long to be used with a GET method (because you have a very long JQL or have too many statuses/fields selected) use POST method to access this endpoint.
The response time of this endpoint might be quite long, depending on how many issues you asked to be processed for your request.
Standard HTTP requests timeout at 60 seconds. In accordance with this limitation, this endpoint also has a 60-second limit. If the processing of your request takes longer than 60 seconds, you will get a timeout response (either from our service or from one of the gateways between your client and our service).
The max number of issues that can be processed before this timeout depends on how fast your Jira can supply the issues and their histories to our service. This in turn depends on the capacity and current load of your Jira.
On average, you should be able to get reports for up to 3000 issues without a problem. For busy Jira instances with lots of simultaneous users, this can be much lower. For relaxed instances with a lot of free capacity, this can be much higher.
If you keep getting timeout errors from this endpoint, you should consider using Asynchronous File Exports to get your data. Async Exports work by starting the export with a REST request, tracking progress with another REST request, and getting the completed file with yet another REST request. This way of using the REST API makes sure there are no technological timeout limits so you can get reports for as many issues as you need.
In short, this endpoint is easier to use but async export endpoints can supply reports for much larger data sets.
The request takes all parameters you select on the screen for a report as query parameters.
Do not let the long text scare you. Not all parameters are always required and some are required based on filterType. See the params table below.
<service_url>/rest/aggregation?aggregationType=<aggregationType>&filterType=<filterType>&(user=<user> | projectKey=<projectKey> | jqlFilterID=<jqlFilterID> | customjql=<customjql> | sprintID=<sprintID> )&columnsBy=<columnsBy>&calendar=<calendar>
With all parameters:
<service_url>/rest/aggregation?aggregationType=<aggregationType>&filterType=<filterType>&(user=<user> | projectKey=<projectKey> | jqlFilterID=<jqlFilterID> | customjql=<customjql> | sprintID=<sprintID> )&columnsBy=<columnsBy>&multiVisitBehavior=<multiVisitBehavior>&averageDenominator=<averageDenominator>&statuses=<statuses>&groups=<groups>&includeDeletedStatuses=<includeDeletedStatuses>&startDate=<startDate>&endDate=<endDate>&dateRangeField=<dateRangeField>&trimHistoryStartDate=<trimHistoryStartDate>&trimHistoryEndDate=<trimHistoryEndDate>&calendar=<calendar>&dayLength=<dayLength>&viewFormat=<viewFormat>&outputType=<outputType>&groupByFields=<groupByFields>
Parameter | Description | Required | Value Samples |
paramSetId | The ID of the reference parameter set that will used to infer parameters. See TiS Cloud - Getting reports with Parameter Sets for details about getting reports with a reference parameter set. |
| |
aggregationType | The aggregation type of the report. Possible options are:
| Yes |
outputType | The output format of the report. Possible options are:
If not provided, "json" will be used. |
| |
filterType | Defines how the issues to be included in the report will be selected. Possible options are:
| Yes |
user | If filterType is user, system expects a user name in the form user=<some_user_name> | Only when filterType = user |
projectkey | If filterType is project, system expects a project key in the form projectKey=<project_key> | Only when filterType = project |
jqlfilterID | If filterType is jqlfilter, system expects a JQL filter ID in the form jqlFilterID=<jqlFilterID> | Only when filterType = jqlfilter |
customjql | If filterType is customjql, system expects a JQL Query in the form customjql=<customJQL> | Only when filterType = customjql |
sprintID | If filterType is sprint, system expects a Sprint ID in the form sprintID=<sprintID> | Only when filterType = sprint |
columnsBy | Defines the column structure of the report. Possible options are:
| Yes |
timePeriod | The time period to use for statusDurationByTimePeriod and timePeriodDurationByStatus report types. Has no effect on other report types. Possible values are:
If not defined, Month will be used as the default value. |
| |
multiVisitBehavior | Defines the behavior of reporting individual status visits. Only effective for Status Duration reports. If not provided, default behavior "total" will be used. |
| |
averageDenominator | Defines which denominator to use while calculating average data. Effective only for export types that include Average or Standard Deviation data. Has two options:
For details please see TiS Cloud - Report Options |
| |
historyFields | The IDs of fields (separated by commas) on JIRA Issues that will be used for Any Field reports. For details about Any Field report types please see: TiS Cloud - Report Types Both system and custom fields are supported. For more information see TiS Cloud - Field Names for REST Reports | only when columnsBy = anyfieldDuration or anyFieldCount | assignee,customfield_10020,customfield_10007,fixVersions |
groupByFields | The IDs of fields (separated by commas) on JIRA Issue that will be used to group issues while aggregating data. Both system and custom fields are supported. Some fields are intentionally excluded. Date fields are included in a special format that allows data parts to be used. For further information see TiS Cloud - Field Names for REST Reports | assignee,customfield_10140,date:year:resolutiondate,date:week:resolutiondate | |
statuses | A JSON array listing statuses for which the durations will be included in the report. If not provided or left empty, the report will include all statuses in selected issues' histories. For assignee based reports, durations of unselected statuses will be excluded from durations of assignee columns. Supports two formats: Basic and Advanced Basic: Basic format is a comma separated list of status ID's to be included in the report. Advanced: Advanced format is a JSON text that contains status definitions. Advanced format must be employed if you want to use the Consolidated Columns feature. Typetypeattribute of each column defines whether the column is a Standard(std) orConsolidated(cons) column. Forstandardcolumns,idis the id of the status. For consolidatedcolumns, the statuses array contains the IDs of statuses to be included in the column. For more information on status selection and column consolidation, please see TiS Cloud - Status. Other parameters may be included in the URL as a query parameter but statuses parameter is expected to be sent in request body encoded as "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" Note: You can get the list of statuses and their IDs, directly from your Jira. Please check Statuses part of the documentation. | Basic 1,3,4,5,10001,10234 Advanced [ { "id":"6", "type":"std" }, { "id":"2", "type":"std" }, { "name":"cons. status 1", "type":"cons", "statuses":[ "10008", "3", "10007" ] } ] | |
assignees | Comma-separated list of IDs of users that will be included in the report. If not provided or empty, the report will include all the assignees found in issues' histories. Please refer to Jira Cloud REST API Documentation to get the IDs of your users |
| |
groups | The names of user groups (separated by commas) that will be included in Group reports. If not provided or empty, the report will included all durations in a column named "Not a member of selected groups" |
| |
dbsMetrics | The list of metrics that will be showed as columns in Duration Between Statuses reports. The parameter must be provided as JSON text. The maximum number of metrics allowed is 10. Each metric will report the duration between two statuses (or status sets) and consists of the following parameters: name: (required) Name of the metric. Can only include alphanumeric characters and space. from: The starting status(es) that the duration will be calculated from. Its format should be a JSON object contains id and order (first/last) of the status(es). Not defining this parameter means that the starting point will be "issue creation". to: (required) The target status(es) that the duration will be calculated until. Its format should be a JSON object contains id and order (first/last) of the status(es). excluded: List of status ids that will be excluded from the calculations. Time spent on these statuses will not be added to total time. Note: You can get the list of statuses and their IDs, directly from your Jira. Please check Statuses part of the documentation. | only when columnsBy = durationBetweenStatuses | [ { "name":"Resolution time", "to":{ "id":["5", "7"], "order":"first" } }, { "name":"Development time", "from":{ "id":["1", "2", "3"], "order":"first" }, "to":{ "id":["6"], "order":"last" }, "excluded":[ "10008", "10003" ] } ] |
includeDeletedStatuses | Sets whether included statuses in issues' histories will be included in the report or not: Possible options are:
If not provided, "true" is assumed. |
| |
startDate | The start date of report filter. When provided, only issues created/resolved/updated (based on dateRangeField value) after the given date will be included in the report. Must be provided in "yyyy-MM-dd" or "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm" format. If time parameter is not provided, default time "00:00" will be used | 2017-07-01 00:00 | |
endDate | The end date of report filter. When provided, only issues created/resolved/updated (based on dateRangeField value) before the given date will be included in the report. Must be provided in "yyyy-MM-dd" or "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm" format. If time parameter is not provided, default time "00:00" will be used | 2017-08-31 23:59 | |
dateRangeField | The system date field of the Jira issue that startDate and endDate parameters will be based on. Possible options are:
| Only when either startDate or endDate is provided |
trimHistoryStartDate | The start date of history trim for issues. When provided, only activities in each issue's history after the given date will be processed for the report. Must be provided in "yyyy-MM-dd" or "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm" format. If time parameter is not provided, default time "00:00" will be used | 2017-07-01 00:00 | |
trimHistoryEndDate | The end date of history trim for issues. When provided, only activities in each issue's history before the given date will be processed for the report. Must be provided in "yyyy-MM-dd" or "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm" format. If time parameter is not provided, default time "00:00" will be used | 2017-08-31 23:59 | |
calendar | The calendar that report durations will be calculated based on. Possible options are:
Tip: You can get the IDs of calendars using the Calendars endpoint. | Required for Duration reports |
dayLength |
| Required for Duration reports |
viewFormat | The format of duration data in the report. Possible options are:
If not provided, "minutes" will be used. |
| |
dateFormat | The string format to use for displaying values of fields of type Date If empty or missing, the date format defined in TiS Cloud - Format Settings page is used. If Format Settings date format is also empty, the default date format set for Jira is used. You can refer to the Java Documentation for more information about Date Format Strings. |
| |
dateTimeFormat | The string format to use for displaying values of fields of type DateTime If empty or missing, the datetime format defined in TiS Cloud - Format Settings page is used. If Format Settings datetime format is also empty, the default datetime format set for Jira is used. You can refer to the Java Documentation for more information about Date Format Strings. |
| |
sortBy | The report column that will be sorted. Currently, only Status Duration, Status Count, Duration Between Statuses and Assignee Duration reports support sort and the value of this parameter should be id of a standard status, name of a consolidated status or id of an assignee. See Sort | Only when sortDir is provided |
sortDir | The direction in which sort will be applied. See Sort | Only when sortBy is provided |
filters | The list of report value filters. The parameter must be provided as JSON text. Currently, only Status Duration, Duration Between Statuses and Status Count reports support filtering. The maximum number of filters allowed is 10. column should be either id of a standard status or name of a consolidated status. Possible operator options:
Possible unit options:
| [ { "column":"10000", "operator":"greaterThanEquals", "value":"10", "unit":"day" }, { "column":"cons. status 1", "operator":"lessThan", "value":"5.5", "unit":"hour" } ] | |
emptyValueToken | The token to use for empty values in the report (for example when an issue has never visited a status) Selecting a custom token might make it easier for the requesting system to process the data. Possible options are:
| |
csvFieldSeparator | The character to separate CSV values. Possible options are:
| |
decimalSeparator | The character to use as a decimal separator for decimal values in CSV format. Possible options are:
| |
valueQuotationMark | The character to quote values in CSV format. Possible options are:
https://tis.obss.io/rest/aggregation?aggregationType=average&filterType=user&user=admin&columnsBy=statusDuration&startDate=2017-09-01 00:00&endDate=2017-10-31 00:00&dateRangeField=created&calendar=normalHours&viewFormat=minutes&averageDenominator=rowCount https://tis.obss.io/rest/aggregation?aggregationType=sum&filterType=user&user=admin&columnsBy=statusDuration&statuses=3,10000,10001&includeDeletedStatuses=true&startDate=2017-09-01 00:00&endDate=2017-10-31 00:00&dateRangeField=created&calendar=normalHours&dayLength=24HourDays&viewFormat=minutes&outputType=csv&groupByFields=assignee,date:year:resolutiondate,date:week:resolutiondate&sortBy=10000&sortDir=asc https://tis.obss.io/rest/aggregation?aggregationType=median&filterType=project&projectKey=PMP&columnsBy=statusDuration&startDate=2017-09-01 00:00&endDate=2017-10-31 00:00 &dateRangeField=created&calendar=0&dayLength=24HourDays&viewFormat=minutes&outputType=json&groupByFields=assignee,date:year:resolutiondate,date:week:resolutiondate https://tis.obss.io/rest/aggregation?aggregationType=standardDeviation&filterType=jqlfilter&jqlFilterID=10004&columnsBy=statusDuration&startDate=2017-09-01 00:00&endDate=2017-10-31 00:00&dateRangeField=created&calendar=1&dayLength=businessDays&viewFormat=minutes&outputType=csv&averageDenominator=nonNull&multiVisitBehavior=first
HTTP 200
Returns an aggregated report as text (CSV or JSON)
{ "total": 3, "totalIssueCount": 349, "dateTimeFormat": "dd/MMM/yy h:mm a", "dateFormat": "dd/MMM/yy", "timeZone": "Europe/Istanbul", "locale": "en-US", "viewFormat": "minutes", "isComposite": false, "columnsBy": "Status Duration", "multiVisitBehavior": "total", "calendar": { "allWorkingDaysHaveEqualLengths": true, "calendarSuccessfullyLoaded": true, "clientKey": null, "dailyWorkingHours": 24.0, "holidays": [], "id": null, "is7x24Calendar": true, "isDefault": null, "name": "normalHours", "timeZone": "UTC", "workingTimes": [ { "end": 86400000, "start": 0, "weekday": "SUNDAY" }, { "end": 86400000, "start": 0, "weekday": "MONDAY" }, { "end": 86400000, "start": 0, "weekday": "TUESDAY" }, { "end": 86400000, "start": 0, "weekday": "WEDNESDAY" }, { "end": 86400000, "start": 0, "weekday": "THURSDAY" }, { "end": 86400000, "start": 0, "weekday": "FRIDAY" }, { "end": 86400000, "start": 0, "weekday": "SATURDAY" } ] }, "dayLength": "24HourDays", "query": " project = 'VIS'", "trimHistoryStartDate": null, "trimHistoryEndDate": null, "reportDate": "13/Dec/22 1:28 PM", "version": "", "includedStatuses": [ { "id": "1", "name": "Open", "statusCategory": { "id": "2", "name": "To Do", "key": "new", "colorName": "blue-gray" }, "scope": { "type": "GLOBAL", "project": null }, "deleted": false, "scopeProjectKey": null }, { "id": "3", "name": "In Progress", "statusCategory": { "id": "4", "name": "In Progress", "key": "indeterminate", "colorName": "yellow" }, "scope": { "type": "GLOBAL", "project": null }, "deleted": false, "scopeProjectKey": null }, { "id": "6", "name": "Closed", "statusCategory": { "id": "3", "name": "Done", "key": "done", "colorName": "green" }, "scope": { "type": "GLOBAL", "project": null }, "deleted": false, "scopeProjectKey": null }, { "id": "5", "name": "Resolved", "statusCategory": { "id": "3", "name": "Done", "key": "done", "colorName": "green" }, "scope": { "type": "GLOBAL", "project": null }, "deleted": false, "scopeProjectKey": null } ], "excludedStatuses": [], "deletedStatuses": [], "isAggregationType": true, "isOverall": false, "isAverage": true, "isSum": false, "isMedian": false, "isStddev": false, "drawAllChart": true, "table": { "header": { "headerColumns": [], "groupByColumns": [ { "id": "project", "value": "Project" }, { "id": "date:year:created", "value": "Created (YEAR)" }, { "id": "date:month:created", "value": "Created (MONTH)" } ], "fieldColumns": [], "valueColumns": [ { "id": "1", "value": "Open", "isConsolidated": false }, { "id": "3", "value": "In Progress", "isConsolidated": false }, { "id": "5", "value": "Resolved", "isConsolidated": false }, { "id": "6", "value": "Closed", "isConsolidated": false } ] }, "body": { "rows": [ { "issueCount": 38, "headerColumns": [], "groupByColumns": [ { "id": "project", "value": "Virtual Sensor" }, { "id": "date:year:created", "value": "2019" }, { "id": "date:month:created", "value": "October" } ], "fieldColumns": [], "valueColumns": [ { "id": "1", "value": "-" }, { "id": "3", "value": "1467.6289333333", "raw": "8.805773684210527E7" }, { "id": "5", "value": "1639798.6580166668", "raw": "9.838791948166667E10" }, { "id": "6", "value": "1639970.7625333334", "raw": "9.83982457522E10" } ], "currentState": [] }, { "issueCount": 309, "headerColumns": [], "groupByColumns": [ { "id": "project", "value": "Virtual Sensor" }, { "id": "date:year:created", "value": "2019" }, { "id": "date:month:created", "value": "November" } ], "fieldColumns": [], "valueColumns": [ { "id": "1", "value": "1600334.75445", "raw": "9.60200852677619E10" }, { "id": "3", "value": "2383.2723833333", "raw": "1.4299634375E8" }, { "id": "5", "value": "1617989.54145", "raw": "9.707937248702014E10" }, { "id": "6", "value": "1617589.2776833333", "raw": "9.705535666107913E10" } ], "currentState": [] }, { "issueCount": 2, "headerColumns": [], "groupByColumns": [ { "id": "project", "value": "Virtual Sensor" }, { "id": "date:year:created", "value": "2021" }, { "id": "date:month:created", "value": "July" } ], "fieldColumns": [], "valueColumns": [ { "id": "1", "value": "725854.09355", "raw": "4.35512456135E10" }, { "id": "3", "value": "-" }, { "id": "5", "value": "-" }, { "id": "6", "value": "-" } ], "currentState": [] } ] } } }
"Project","Created (YEAR)","Created (MONTH)","Number Of Issues","Open","In Progress","Resolved","Closed" "Virtual Sensor","2019","October","38","-","1467.6289333333","1639798.3225","1639970.4272833334" "Virtual Sensor","2019","November","309","1600334.4191166668","2383.2723833333","1617989.2060833334","1617588.9423166667" "Virtual Sensor","2021","July","2","725853.7579666667","-","-","-"
Invalid Parameter
HTTP 400
When one or more of the required parameters are missing or one or more of the supplied parameter values are invalid.
messages array contains the error messages for invalid parameters.
{ "status": 400, "message": "Invalid report parameters", "messages": [ "ERROR: columnsBy parameter is required. Possible values are assigneeduration, statusduration, groupduration, transitioncount, statuscount, firsttransitionfromstatusdate, firsttransitiontostatusdate, lasttransitionfromstatusdate, lasttransitiontostatusdate, assigneedurationbystatus, statusdurationbyassignee", "ERROR: Invalid outputType value: 'xls'. Possible values are 'csv' and 'json'", "ERROR: calendar parameter is required. Possible values are normalHours or ID of a custom defined calendar", ], "pluginVersion": "", "time": "2020-05-22 07:04:20" }
HTTP 408
When your aggregated report cannot be completed before the request timeout. You should use async file export endpoint for large aggregated reports.
{ "status": 408, "message": "Report calculation timed out. Consider using async file export.", "messages": null, "pluginVersion": "", "time": "2022-12-13 11:05:37 +0000" }
Aggregation Limit Exceeded
HTTP 429
When you start too many simultaneous aggregated reports and exceed the concurrent aggregation limit per user.
You should wait for some of the aggregated reports to complete before starting a new one.
{ "status": 429, "message": "You've reached your concurrent aggregated report limit. Wait for running report calculations to complete.", "messages": null, "pluginVersion": "", "time": "2022-12-13 11:12:39 +0000" }
- No labels