Timepiece - Time in Status for Jira allows you to create List reports or Aggregated reports. This is sometimes referred to as the "Report Sub-type" or "Report Options".
List / Aggregation button will be displayed next to Report Type selection for all Duration and Count type reports.
The Aggregation selection contains five options as List, Average, Sum, Median, and Standard Deviation.
Aggregation is available only for numeric reports (Duration and Count). Date type reports naturally do not have Average, Sum, Median or Standard Deviation options.
List Reports
List is the default and will show the issues as a simple list.
Average Reports
Average option calculates and shows on screen the arithmetic averages of column values.
When you select the Average option, the Group By and Average Denominator selections will appear. Details can be found below in this page.
Sum Reports
Sum option calculates and shows on screen the sum of column values.
When you select the Sum option, the Group By selection will appear. Details can be found below in this page.
Median Reports
Median option calculates and shows on screen the median of column values.
When you select the Median option, the Group By selection will appear. Details can be found below in this page.
Standard Deviation Reports
Standard Deviation option calculates and shows on screen the standard deviation of column values.
When you select the Standard Deviation option, the Group By and Average Denominator selections will appear. Details can be found below in this page.
Related use case articles:
For Aggregate Reports (Average, Sum, Median, Standard Deviation), you can drill-down on each row and see the details of issues that make up that aggregate row. See Drill Down page for details.
Additional Options
Group By Selection
The Group By selection (with the title "Group issues by...") allows you to select and order issue fields for grouping. The aggregated values displayed on screen will be grouped by the fields you pick.
For example if you don't select and fields for group by when getting an Average report, the report will show you the overall average for all issues in the report. If you select the Issue Type field as the group by field for an average report, the issues in the report will be grouped by Issue Type and the report will show the average values for each issue type. The output will have a separate row for each issue type.
Time-Period Selection
The Time-Period selection is available for Status Duration per Time-Period and Time-Period Duration per Status report types. This option can be set as Year, Quarter, Month, Week, Day. The selection affects how the time-periods in said reports are grouped.
Average Denominator
The AVERAGE report types display the average data on screen and STANDARD DEVIATION report type uses the average data while calculating standard deviation data. Both of these aggregation types utilize average data so the Average Denominator selection will be visible for these report types.
The Average Denominator selection (with the title ""For each column's average..."") allows you to select the denominator for average operations. There are two options:
- The NON-EMPTY option (which is the default option) divides the total value of the column by the number of values in that column.
- The ALL ISSUES options divides the total value of the column by the number of issues in that column.
For example if you are getting an average report and you have a 100 issues but only 60 of them visited the In Progress status.
If you selected the NON-EMPTY option, the average of In Progress status column is calculated by getting the sum of all In Progress values and dividing it by 60. Because there are 60 values in the column. The others are empty and are ignored.
If you selected the ALL ISSUES option, the average of In Progress status column is calculated by getting the sum of all In Progress values and dividing it by 100. Because there are 100 issues in the column. Empty values are taken as zero.
This is valid for both normal columns and consolidated columns.
Since Consolidated Columns show the sum of multiple statuses, consolidated columns are empty only when the statuses defined under that column are all empty for an issue. Thus, the result of the Average operation for a consolidated column may be different than the sum of all the statuses used under it.
This means when the NON-EMPTY option is selected, the average of a consolidated column will most likely NOT be equal to the sum of averages of all statuses under it. (If all issues have a value for all statuses then it will be. If there is at least one empty value in the report, it won't be.)
On the other hand when the ALL ISSUES option is selected, the average of a consolidated column is expected to be equal to the sum of averages of all statuses under it.
If the user selects some fields for Group By selection and the report is grouped by those fields, the same rules apply for each group. That means, NON-EMPTY will mean the number of values in the group and ALL ISSUES will mean the number of issues in the group.
Multi-Visit Behavior
The details about Multi Visit Behavior selection are explained in Multi Visit Behavior.
Advanced Use Cases
Date Fields
While selecting group by fields for average and sum calculations, Date fields are listed as 5 different fields, representing Year, Quarter, Month, Week, Day and Hour parts of those dates. Each of these fields can be used by itself or together with other fields.
This is a powerful feature since it allows the user to add a date dimension to aggregate reports grouped at several levels and based on any date field.
Parent / Self Key Field
The Parent/Self Key field is particularly useful for sum reports.
The field displays the issue key for parent tasks and parent key for subtasks. If you select the Parent/Self Key field for Group By, the report will display the total durations (or counts) for and issue including its subtasks.