
The JQL Advanced Select field type can be used to create custom fields on your Jira issues that allow the user to pick an issue from the result set of a predefined dynamic JQL query.

The field can be configured to work as a (single select) Dropdown or a (multi select) Label field.


The field is configured through the config screen which is accessed like any other Jira custom field.

  • Go to "Administration >> Issues >> Custom Fields".
  • Find the JQL Advanced Select custom field that you want to configure.
  • Select the "Configure" menu item in the cog menu next to the field.
  • Click "Edit JQL Advanced Field" link.
  • The following config screen should appear.

JQL Pattern

You can enter any valid JQL for this settings. 

The results of the JQL query entered here will be shown as options of this field while editing this field.

You can use a static JQL query or use Token Strings in your query to create dynamic queries.

Please see JIS v2.0 - Dynamic Patterns for creating dynamic queries.


This setting makes a difference when using dynamic JQL queries. It detemines whether to use single or double quotes while replacing Token Strings in your JQL query with the calculated values.

Double quotes are the default and will work for most cases. You can use single quotes for complex JQL's when you need to quote values inside an already double quoted string.

View Pattern

The Pattern you set here will determine how the issues selected in your field will be displayed on Jira pages.

The selection affects both view, edit screens and also issue navigator screen.

The pattern you enter here is expected to be a dynamic text as described in JIS v2.0 - Dynamic Patterns.

Value Pattern

The Value Pattern for JQL Advanced Field type is "{issue.key}" as cannot be changed.

This means the issue selections you make on this field will be saved with their issuekeys in the database.

Field Type 

JQL Advanced Field can be configured to be used as a Dropdown or Label select.

Dropdown fields are single select fields so allow the selection of only 1 issue.

Label fields are multi select fields so allow the selection of more than 1 issue.

Max Selection Count

This option appears when the selected Field Type is Label and sets the maximum number of issues that the user can select for this field.

None option / None option label

These options appear then the selected Field Type is Dropdown and sets whether the field should have an empty option or not.

If a None option will be used, you can set the text it will show.


The right-hand side of the config screen includes a Test area which allows you to test your configuration with a sample issue.

Just enter an issuekey to the textbox and click "Test". The JQL Pattern, Value Pattern and View Patterns will be calculated based on the issue you picked and will be shown below.

  • No labels