You can save the report parameters as a Parameter Set and load the set later to configure the report quickly.

The Parameter Set contains the Filter Type, Selected item based on filter type, Dates, Report Type, Statuses, Fields, Calendar and View Format selection. In other words, it contains almost all settings you select on the page.

The Save & Load operations can be access by clicking the cog icon.

Save Parameter Set

When Save Report Parameters option is selected, the user is presented with a save dialog to enter a name for the parameter set.

The user can enter a new name or select one of the existing parameter set names to overwrite it.

If Share with Everyone option is selected, the parameter set will be available for other users in the system to load. 

Load Parameter Set

When Load Report Parameters option is selected, the user is presented with a load dialog to select one of the pre-saved parameter sets. 

The user can see the parameter sets he/she saved as well as public parameter sets shared by other users. Other users' sets will be listed with a different color and when clicked will display the owner name below the list.

Getting a direct link to report

The Load window also includes a "Copy link to report" button that copies the direct URL of the report to the clipboard.

The link opens Timepiece screen with the given link param set pre-loaded.

The user can use this link him/herself or share it with other users if it is a public set.

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