
The status selection allows the user to select the statuses that will be included in the report and set the display order of statuses.

For Status TimeStatus Count and Date reports, the selection directly sets the columns shown in the report. For Transition Count report, transitions that originate from or end up in a selected status is included in the report.

For Assignee Time reports, the report output shows assignee names as columns but the status selection, once again, defines the durations of which statuses to include in the report.

Show Deleted Statuses option allows you to include or exclude statuses in issue histories that are no longer present on system.

When no statuses are selected, TiS acts as if all statuses are selected and includes each status that is present in the current page of the dataset as a column in the report. On the other hand even if only one status is explicitly selected, TiS includes only that status in the report and warns you if any other statuses with data are excluded.

Ordering Statuses

The status selection window also allows the user to set the order of columns shown in the report. If no statuses are selected, Time in Status shows the statuses in the order it encounters them when traversing report data. If statuses are explicitly selected, then the order of selection is respected in the report output. The user can click the up and down arrow icons next to each status name to change the order of statuses.

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