
View Format Panel allows you to set some options that will shape how the report values will be displayed.

View Format

View format option allows the user to select the format in which durations will be displayed.

There are 7 options:

The basic, DD:HH:mm:ss and HH:mm:ss formats shows values in a more user-friendly format. Days, Hours, Minutes and Seconds formats shows values as a single decimal number.


  • Basic: 5 d 18 h 54 m 45 s
  • DD:HH:mm:ss5:18:54:45
  • HH:mm:ss: 138:54:45
  • Days5.79
  • Hours138.91
  • Minutes8334.75
  • Seconds: 500085

Since this option affects only the duration calculations, ViewFormat selection is not visible for Count or Date report types.

Visit Counts

An issue might have visited a status multiple times. While reporting on the durations of those visits, it is often useful to also see how many times an issue visited each status.

The Visit Counts option shows or hides the status visit number in the on-screen report output. 

Visit Counts selection is available only for Status Duration reports and only for List reports.

Data Bars

The Data Bars option allows the user to enable or disable Data Bars. Please see TiS v4.24 - Data Bars for more details.

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