The Time in Status tab is available on view screen of any Jira issue and shows Time in Status data for a single issue. 

All report types of Time in Status is also available here as well as view format and calendar selection.

By default, all users can see this tab. You can use the TiS v4.24 - Access Settings page to configure which users can see this tab.


The Data tab displays the report data as a table.

The exact layout of the table varies by report type.


The Chart tab displays the report data as one of several available chart types.

Status History Expanded 

The Status History Expanded Tab displays for the issue, the report with the same name.

See Status History Expanded page for details about this report type.

Exclude Current State

If you are looking at an issue that hasn't been updated for a long time (for example the issue was closed months ago), the charts will be completely dominated by the latest state of the issue and earlier statuses/assignees will not be distinguishable in the chart.

To overcome this you can use the Exclude Current State checkbox. When checked, this option causes the status/assignee duration since the last change in issue history to be excluded from the report. This way charts display much more useful output.

It is mainly used to improve chart use but the checkbox affects both the Data and Chart tabs.

Please note that Exclude Current State does not exclude the latest status completely but rather excludes the duration since the latest status/assignee changed in issue history. If the issue has visited Closed status more than once, the Closed column will still display a value greater than zero when Exclude Current State is checked.

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