Time in Status allows you to create List reports or Aggregated reports.

List / Aggregation button will be displayed next to Report Type selection for all Duration and Count type reports.

It will contain three options as ListAverage and Sum.

Aggreation is available for numeric reports (Duration and Count). Date type reports naturally do not have an Average or Sum option.

List Reports

List is the default and will show the issues as a simple list.

Average Reports

Average option calculates and shows on screen the arithmetic averages of report values.

When you select the Average option, the panel will allow you to select and order issue fields. The averages displayed on screen will be grouped by the fields you pick.

Sum Reports

Sum option calculates and shows on screen the sum of report values.

When you select the Sum option, the panel will allow you to select and order issue fields. The sums displayed on screen will be grouped by the fields you pick.

Advanced Use Cases

Date Fields

While selecting group by fields for average and sum calculations, Date fields are listed as 5 different fields, representing Year, Month, Week, Day and Hour parts of those dates. Each of these fields can be used by itself or together with other fields.

This is a powerful feature since it allows the user to add a date dimension to aggregate reports grouped at several levels and based on any date field.

Parent / Self Key Field

The Parent/Self Key field is particularly useful for sum reports.

The field displays the issue key for parent tasks and parent key for subtasks. If you select the Parent/Self Key field for Group By, the report will display the total durations (or counts) for and issue including its subtasks.

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