File Types

All data included in the report can be exported in XLS, XLSX or CSV file formats. To export data simply click on the export icon and select the desired format. The prepared export file should be downloaded in a short time.

Group By Fields

If you select XLS, XLSX, 'CSV Average', 'CSV Sum', 'CSV Median' or 'CSV Standard Deviation' as export format, 'Group by' field selection will become available.

The selected fields will be used to group the report data that will be included in the report.

For XLS and XLSX exports, average,sum,median and standard deviation data will be separate sheets in the file, CSV Average, CSV Sum, CSV Median, CSV Standard Deviation export will only contain averages, sum, median or standard deviation in the file.

  • You can select system or custom fields on the issue as grouping fields. 
  • Some fields (like issue key or Summary) or some field types (like multi line text fields) are intentionally excluded from this list since grouping by those fields do not make sense.
  • Date fields will be available as 6 different options as you can select the Year, Quarter, Month, Week, Day or Hour part of the date field.
  • If you do not select any fields, overall averages will be calculated and included in the report as a single row or data.


The Advanced Button expands a pat of the dialog where you can set some advanced parameters for you export.

You can define custom date/dateTime formats for your exports. Formats defined here will override the ones defined on the Format Settings admin page. If format selections are left blank, formats defined on the Format Settings will be used.

You can also define an Empty Value Token here. Empty values in the report (for example, if an issue has never visited a status) will be represented by this token. The default value is a Hyphen ("-"). You may select one of the other options based on how you plan to use the exported file. 

Possible options are:

  • Hyphen ("-")
  • Zero ("0")
  • Null ("null")
  • No Char ("")
  • Single Space (" ")
  • No Token ()

The No Token and No Char options produce pretty much the same output for XLS and XLSX exports but they produce different outputs for CSV files.

Previous Exports

When you start an export, the screen will automatically switch to Previous Exports tab which shows your recent file exports and their progress. On this tab, you can download the file for a completed export or cancel a running export.

You can close Timepiece page during file export. The export process will keep running in the background. You can open the page later and download your file.

You have 24h to download your export files. Exported files will be deleted after 24h.

Sample Output

Data sheet in exported Excel file
Averages sheet in exported Excel file


Values are exported to Excel with the format they are displayed on screen, (like HH:mm:ss, days, hours, etc...)

Depending on the size of data, the preparation of the export file can take several minutes.

XLS file format is limited to 65535 rows and 256 columns. If your data cannot fit within these limits, you should export as XLSX or CSV.

Some pop-up blockers and download blockers cause the export file download to be blocked. If you don't get a file after you select export but also don't get any error messages, check your pop-up blocker and/or download blocker settings .

Spreadsheet Automation Samples

You can also pull data from Time in Status REST API directly into your spreadsheet to automate reporting. For details, see: TiS Cloud - Sample Spreadsheet Integration Files

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