The Contract Definitions page is used to create and edit contracts.
You can work with multiple contracts, each with its own users and its own configuration.
Contract Structure
Each contract has a Name. You can enter any name you see fit. This Name will be used to reference the contract on other screens.
Dates & Period Type
Each contract has a Start Date, an End Date, a Time Zone, and a Period Type.
The Start Date, End Date, and Time Zone selections define the beginning and end of your contract term.
The duration between your Start Date and End Date will be divided into periods, according to your Period Type selection.
The "Periods" of your contract can be calculated in several ways.
- "Fixed" means the time between the start & end dates of your contract will be processed as a single period.
- "Monthly (Calendar Month)" means each calendar month between your start & end dates will be processed as a separate period and new periods start on the first of each month.
- "Monthly (Exact Day)" means each month between your start & end dates will be processed as a separate period and new periods start the same day of each month according to your contract start date.
- "Annual (Calendar Year)" means each calendar year between your start & end dates will be processed as a separate period and new periods start on the first of January each year.
- "Annual (Exact Day)" means each year between your start & end dates will be processed as a separate period and new periods start the same day of each year according to your contract start date.
Contract reports are calculated solely using Jira issues and SLAs on those issues. Since Jira already stores them, you can create contracts and get reports for your past issues as well.
Each contract has one or more "Clauses". A clause defines a limit or a goal for a group of issues.
Each Clause has a name. The clause will be listed with this name in Contract Reports.
Each Clause has a JQL. This JQL determines the scope of issues that will be included in this clause.
This JQL can be thought of repeating for each contract period. The issues created in each period of that contract will be matched with this JQL to determine whether that issue is in the scope of the clause or not.
The user is expected to enter a valid JQL here. Any JQL valid for Jira can be used. The Clause dialog even allows invalid JQL queries to be saved, so any lacking user permissions do not block the creation of the contract.
Clause Type
There are 3 types of clauses:
- "Number of Issues": This clause type sets a limit for the number of issues that can be created in each period.
- If there are fewer issues created in a period matching the JQL of this clause, then this clause will succeed for that period. If there are more issues created in a period matching the JQL of this clause, then this clause will fail for that period.
- "Total Service Hours": This clause type sets a limit for the total number of service hours that can be used in a period.
- The service hours are taken directly from the work logged onto Jira issues created in each period.
- If there are fewer hours logged onto issues created in a period matching the JQL of this clause, then this clause will succeed for that period. If there are more work hours logged onto issues created in a period matching the JQL of this clause, then this clause will fail for that period.
- "SLA Success Rate": This clause type sets a goal success rate for the selected SLA timers.
- TicketBook does NOT run its own SLA timers. The SLA timers selected here are Jira Service Management's SLAs.
- The SLA Success Rate is "the "number of issues with successful SLA timers" divided by "the total number of issues" created in a period matching the JQL of this clause.
- If more than one SLA timer is selected for this clause, then all selected SLA timers must be successful for an issue to succeed. If at least one SLA timer is breached for that issue, then that issue is a failure.
- By default, the expected Success Rate is 100% but you can reduce this target.
- If the SLA Success Rate in a period is equal to or higher than the target, then this clause will succeed for that period. If the SLA Success Rate in a period is lower than the target, then this clause will fail for that period.
You can define multiple clauses of the same type with different JQLs.
Limited / Unlimited
By default, the clauses are Limited and you are expected to set a limit/goal for that clause. The Contract Report will calculate whether each period is below or over that limit. Periods over the limit will be displayed as Fail and periods equal or below the limit will be displayed as Success.
The "Number of Issues" and "Total Service Hours" clauses can also be configured as Unlimited. In that case, the Contract Report will just calculate the total number of issues created or the total service hours logged and the periods will always be displayed as a success.
Amends allow you to define additional quotas or additional consumption for a period.
In some periods, a customer business might be going through busy times and the customer might want to purchase additional quota only for that specific period. Similarly, the customer might make some requests from you as part of your contract agreement but those requests might not be recorded as Jira issues on your Jira instance. In those cases, you can define these additional quotas or additional consumptions as "Amends".
- An Amend is either a Limit or a Consumption.
- It belongs to a specific period.
- The Amend has a numeric value that is added to the limit or added to the consumption of that period.
- The Amend also has a free text Notes field. The notes entered here will be displayed in the Contract Report.
- Amends are valid for the "Number of Tickets" or "Total Service Hours" clause types. Amends do not make sense for "SLA Success Rate" clauses so they can't be defined for "SLA Success Rate" clauses.
To provide more granular control over the access to individual contracts, TicketBook allows the configuration of Contract Permissions.
Using the Permissions tab, you can define...
- Who can View the contract (and get contract reports based on it)
- Who can Edit the contract, its details, amends, and permissions.
- Who the Owner of that contract is. The Owner is a single user and always has View and Edit permissions on the contract.
If you want your service desk users to view the current period report for a specific contract, TicketBook provides an option to add a panel to the Help Center page.
Using the Portal tab, you can configure the following settings:
Enable or Disable the Panel: Decide whether the TicketBook panel displaying the contract’s period report should appear on the Help Center page.
Specify Projects: Define which project’s Help Center pages will display the panel.
Set Visibility by User Groups: Determine which user groups will have access to view the panel.
Anonymous users without an account on the Help Center will not be able to see the panel.