The following tokens can be used as part of texts in config screen.

Issue Fields

TokenReturn TypeDescriptionSample ValueCan be followed by other tokens?

References the current issue.

If used by itself, returns the key of the issue.


Affected Version(s) field on the issue.

Values are separated by comma if there are more than one.

v1, v2, v3



References the Assignee field of the current issue.

If used by itself, returns the username of the assignee.



TextComponents field of the current issueComponent 1, Component 2



TextCreated Date of the issue.

2019-08-27 14:58


Creator field of the issue.

If used by itself, returns the username of the assignee.

{issue.description}TextDescription field of the issueSome sample description text



TextDue Date field of the issue2019-08-27
{issue.environment}TextEnvironment field of the issueSome sample environment text
{issue.fixversion}TextFix Version(s) field of the issuev1, v2, v3



TextIssueType of the issueTask
{issue.key}TextIssue Key of the issueABC-123
{issue.labels}TextLabel(s) field of the issueLabel 1, Label 2, Label 3

Parent issue of the issue.

If used by itself, returns the key of the parent.

If there is no parent (the current issue is not a subtask) returns empty.


Key field of parent issue.

If there is no parent (the current issue is not a subtask) returns empty.

{issue.priority}TextPriority field of the issueHigh

Project that the issue belongs to.

If used by itself, return the project key.

{issue.projectkey}TextKey of the project that the current issue belongs to.


Reporter field of the issue

If used by itself, returns the username of reporter.

{issue.resolution}TextResolution field of the issue.Done



TextResolution Date of the issue2019-08-27 14:58
{issue.status}TextStatus of the issueIn Progress
{issue.summary}TextSummary of the issueMy sample issue



TextUpdated Date field of the issue2019-08-27 14:58


(non JQL Issue Select custom field)


The custom field with ID 12345 of the issue.

The field ID can be any field defined in the system.

Some custom field value


(JQL Issue Select custom field)


The issue(s) selected in JQL Issue Select field with ID 98765.

98765 can be the field ID of any JQL Issue Select field defined in the system (JQL Advanced Field or one of the deprecated fields). 

If used by itself, return the keys of the selected issue or issues.

Please see JIS v2.0 - Using JIS Fields in Token Strings for the advanced uses of JQL Issue Select custom field tokens.

ABC-156, ABC-157Y


(Single or Multi User Picker custom field)


The users(s) selected in JQL Issue Select field with ID 34567.

If used by itself, return the usernames of the selected users.

john.doe, jane.doeY


{Date custom field}


The custom field of type Date with ID 23456.

The field ID can be any field defined in the system.



{DateTime custom field}


The custom field of type DateTime with ID 45678.

The field ID can be any field defined in the system.

2019-08-27 14:58

{issue} token and any token string that starts with {issue.} do not work on create screens because the issue is not created yet.

You can use {parent}, {project} or {currentuser} tokens and their fields on create screens.

Parent Fields

{parent} token references the parent issue. It can be followed by all the issue field tokens listed in "Issue Fields" section.

{parent} token works pretty much the same as {issue.parent} but can also be used on Create screen. {issue} token does not work on create screens because the issue is not created yet.

TokenReturn TypeDescriptionSample ValueCan be followed by other tokens?
{parent}IssueReturns the parent issue of the current issue (if any)ABC-122Y

Project Fields

{project} token references the current project. 

{project} token works pretty much the same as {issue.project} but can also be used on Create screen. {issue} token does not work on create screens because the issue is not created yet.

TokenReturn TypeDescriptionSample ValueCan be followed by other tokens?


ProjectReturns the current project.ABCY
{project.key}TextReturns the key of the current projectABC
{}TextReturns the ID of the current project10123
{}TextReturns the name of the current projectMy sample project

Returns the Project Lead user of the current project.

If used by itself, return the username of the project lead user.

{project.components}TextReturns all the components defined in the current projectComponent 1, Component 2, Component 3
{project.versions}TextReturns all the versions defined in the current projectv1, v2, v3

User Fields

Any user object (that is returned by a system or a custom field token) can be followed by the tokens below. 

The samples below reference {issue.assignee} but can be replaced by any token string that returns a user.

TokenReturn TypeDescriptionSample ValueCan be followed by other tokens?

Returns the user that is the assignee of the issue.

If used by itself, return the username of the assignee.




TextReturns the username of the assignee of the issue.john.doe
{issue.assignee.displayname}TextReturns the Display Name of the assignee of the issue.John Doe
{}TextReturns the e-mail of the assignee of the

Returns the property value of the user that is defined by property_name. 

Returns empty if a property with property_name is not found.

Some property value

Current User

{currentuser} is a token that returns the current logged in user. It can be followed by all the user field tokens listed in "User Fields" section.

TokenReturn TypeDescriptionSample ValueCan be followed by other tokens?
{currentuser}UserReturns the currently logged in userjohn.doeY

  • No labels