
This document covers the support levels of plugins developed by OBSS and published on Atlassian Marketplace.

Support Scope

Only plugins labeled with the "Supported" label will be supported officially. Support requests for unsupported plugins will be replied to but will be handled with the lowest priority.

Licensed plugin customers will have the highest support priority. Evaluations will also be supported but will have a lower priority.

To see a list of plugins developed by OBSS, please follow the link below:


Plugin support aims to resolve bugs and support requests. OBSS does not guarantee WHEN or even IF a feature request will be implemented in future releases. Feature requests will be collected and evaluated according to existing roadmaps of plugins.

Support Window

OBSS support teams operate in Turkey's Timezone (GMT+3). The official support window includes all weekdays (Monday to Friday) from 09:00-17:00 Turkish Time (GMT+3), excluding weekends and national holidays in Turkey.

Communication Channels

Customers are expected to open support requests through OBSS JIRA customer portal pluginsupport.obss.com.tr or by sending an e-mail to plugin@obss.com.tr.

While reporting issues, customers are kindly asked to define their issues clearly, provide reproduction steps for bugs, version information, screenshots, and license information. OBSS support team might ask for additional information, screenshots, and log outputs.

Support includes responding to customer tickets via e-mail. Phone calls, video conferences, screen sharing, or connection to customer systems are not included.

Service Levels

PriorityDescriptionResponse Time Goal
HighAny issue that obstructs ongoing customer operations entirely.1 Business Day
StandardAll other support requests.3 Business Days

OBSS does its best to resolve issues as fast as possible but does not express a public time goal for the resolution of reported issues.

No Penalties

While OBSS does its best to provide bug-free products and the best level of support available, does not guarantee compensation or reimbursement of any kind for losses claimed to be caused by the use of OBSS plugins or for not matching the goals above. (See End User License Agreement - EULA)

  • No labels