The Report Type parameter allows the user to select the type of the report. There are 11 different report types:

Duration Reports

Status Duration

Status Duration in the older and the most commonly used of the report types. Status Duration Report lists each issue in rows with statuses as columns and the time that issue spent in that status as column values.

This report helps you identify the bottleneck statuses in the workflow.

Status selection in this report allows you to exclude statuses (and their columns) from the report.

Assignee Duration

Assignee Duration Report lists each issue in rows with user names as columns and the time that issue spent assigned to that user as column values.

This report helps you identify the bottleneck users in the workflow.

Status selection in this report allows you to exclude durations for unselected statuses from the report.

Assignee Duration per Status

Assignee Duration per Status Report is a two level report that lists each issue in rows with status names and user names as columns and the time that issue spent assigned to that user in each status as column values.

This report helps you identify the bottleneck users in the workflow.

Status selection in this report allows you to exclude durations for unselected statuses from the report.

Status Duration per Assignee

Status Duration per Assignee Report is a two level report that lists each issue in rows with user names and status names as columns and the time that issue spent on each status of each assignee as column values.

This report helps you identify the bottleneck users in the workflow.

Status selection in this report allows you to exclude durations for unselected statuses from the report.

Please note that seleting User as filter type and selecting Assignee Time as report type is completely unrelated. The former is just for filtering issues and the latter is about the type of calculation made.

Group Duration

Group Duration Report lists each issue in rows with the user group names you select as columns and the time that issue spent assigned to a member of that user group as column values. 

This report helps you identify the bottleneck user groups in the workflow. For example you can build and select groups like "Level 1 Support" and "Level 2 Support" to see the time issues spent assigned to members of those groups.

If any of the users are a member of more than one group, Time in Status shows a warning. Durations assigned to a user outside selected groups or durations when the issue was unassigned are shown as an extra columns, if any. 

Status selection in this report allows you to exclude durations for unselected statuses from the report.

Count Reports

Transition Count

Transition Count Report lists each issue in rows with transitions as columns and the number of times that transition happened as column values.

This report shows you how many times a transition from one status to another happened so helps you identify most used workflow routes. Especially useful for complex workflows.

Status Count

Status Count Report lists each issue in rows with statuses as columns and the number of times that status was visited as column values.

This report helps you identify re-visits of statuses of particular importance. Especially useful for identifying reopens, blockages or information requests when these statuses are embedded as optional routes in workflows.

Date Reports

Date Reports show status transition dates as report values.

There are four Date report types. All four types seem to show similar values but based on what you want to measure, each report type will stand out be more useful compared to others, especially if your issues tend to go back and forth between statuses.

First Transition To Status Date

First Transition To Status Date Report shows status names as columns and the FIRST date each issue transitioned TO that status as column values.

This reports helps you get the dates issues first arrived at each status you can compare them with your own targets like lead times, responses times, etc.

Last Transition To Status Date

Last Transition To Status Date Report shows status names as columns and the LATEST date each issue transitioned TO that status as column values.

This reports helps you get the latest dates when issues arrived to a given status so you can compare them with your own targets like resolution times, etc. Especially useful if issues go back and forth between statuses.

If an issue visited a status only once, First Transition To Status and Last Transition To Status reports will show the same date/time for that status.

First Transition From Status Date

First Transition From Status Date Report shows status names as columns and the FIRST date each issue transitioned FROM that status as column values.

This reports helps you get the dates issues first left each status you can compare them with your own targets like resolution times, etc.

Last Transition From Status Date

Last Transition From Status Date Report shows status names as columns and the LATEST date each issue transitioned FROM that status as column values.

This reports helps you get the latest dates when issues were in a given status so you can compare them with your own targets like resolution times, close times etc.  Especially useful if issues go back and forth between statuses.

If an issue visited a status only once, First Transition From Status and Last Transition From Status reports will show the same date/time for that status.

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