
 You can install Time in Status to your Jira Cloud instance in two ways: Install the app from Atlassian Marketplace or Install the app from Jira admin pages.

Install the app from Jira admin pages:

  1. Open Jira Administration >> Find Apps
  2. Enter Time in Status in the textbox. Press Enter.

  3. Time in Status by OBSS will appear in the search results. Click on it.
  4. "Add to Jira" window will pop-up. Click on Start Trial.

  5. Jira will install the app and the trial license.
  6. You are done (smile) 

Installing the app from Atlassian Marketplace: 

  1. Navigate to Atlassian Marketplace.
  2. Enter Time in Status in the search box. Search results will appear. 
  3. Click on Time in Status.

  4. Time in Status app page will open. Make sure Cloud option is selected.

  5. Click on Try it free
  6. Hosting type selection window will pop. Click Start Free Trial under Cloud option.

  7. Site selection window will pop. Select the Jira site you want to install the app on and click Start Trial.

  8. Atlassian will install the app on your Jira and give you a trial license.
  9. You are done (smile)

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